Branding & Website for a New Chinese Cuisine Restaurant
TOWN combines Chinese cuisine and experiential dining to bring the authenticity of Chinatown to their customers. Quality and luxury are at the core of the TOWN brand with the promise of providing their clientele with the best quality food and the most luxurious experience.
ASSIGNMENT TOWN is a high-end Chinese cuisine restaurant wanting a website and branding material that conveys their intended messaging of inspiring creativity, conversation, and quality to their target audience. Their goal is to create experiential dining that is more than just a night out. They aim to bring quality and luxury across all aspects of their brand.
TARGET AUDIENCE The audience is high-end clientele who value a luxurious dining experience. The age range of their customers is from the early 30s to 60s, and they would like them to come back for both personal dining and events.
SOLUTION & RATIONALE For my designs, I incorporated a dark, minimalistic theme with bold text to help relay the client’s intended messaging. Since the targeted audience includes a high-end clientele, I kept the layouts simplistic and sleek, using colors and imagery that portray luxury. I used negative spacing throughout the compositions to keep a more minimalistic theme.
I used the Majesti Banner font family for the typeface provided in the client’s design brief to convey a modern, sleek, and luxurious tone. The colors used from the provided brief are ‘spicy’, ‘bamboo’, and ‘white’. These colors create a nice contrast against the dark background. I also used the white logo variation to better stand out against the dark background.
The website I made for the client is hand-coded following the same font, color palette, logo selection, and style used in the print branding materials. Each page is coded using HTML, CSS, and Javascript.